Week Calendar

Age Group
Age Group
Program Type
Event Type
Registration Type

Primary tabs

On narrow displays, the weekly calendar is wider than the screen. You can side-scroll within this table to view events and reservations for the whole week.
Time Sun (5/11) Mon (5/12) Tue (5/13) Wed (5/14) Thu (5/15) Fri (5/16) Sat (5/17)
9 am
This event is in the "Everyone" group.

Civic/Community Engagement Tables

9:00am - 1:00pm
Library Events
Library Branch: Manhattan Public Library
Age Group: Everyone
Program Type: Library Events
Event Details:

Evergy will be at the library from 9:00am- 1:00pm to answers all your energy saving questions, give tips on how best to use your energy, and to answer questions about being a better energy user.

This event is in the "Adults" group.

Douglass Center Tech Drop-In

9:30am - 11:30am
Classes & Workshops, Outreach
Offsite Event
Library Branch: Off Site
Age Group: Adults
Program Type: Classes & Workshops, Outreach
Event Details:

Are you new to technology? Come and get help with your tablets, laptops, and phones. Start your digital adventure! Meet at the Douglass Activity Center in the Community Room, 925 Yuma St. Every second Monday of the month, 9:30-11:30 a.m.

This event is in the "Adults" group.

Meadowlark Hills Tech Drop-In

9:00am - 11:00pm
Offsite Event
Library Branch: Off Site
Age Group: Adults
Program Type: Outreach
Event Details:

New to technology? Have a question about your phone or device? Wandean Rivers will be on site to help older adults with questions about their computers, tablets and phones. Start your digital adventure!

10 am
11 am
12 pm
1 pm
2 pm
3 pm
4 pm
5 pm
6 pm

Comedy Improv MHK

6:45pm - 8:45pm
The library does not endorse the content or ideas represented by groups and individuals using meeting rooms.
Library Branch: Manhattan Public Library
Room: Auditorium
Purpose of Meeting

Open to the public, free comedy improv workshop for all ages and experience levels, to participate or watch.